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C78要想生活过得去(3 / 7)

039;m never shy always kibsp; it damn right.

Gimme a sig or a wink still burning my tongue,

Babe I love yeah when you smash smash boy,

Smash smash oh my boy boy -oy -oy,

smash on the Earth oh no it just on my bed.

Ain't got a pn,

I know you join me hold me into fallen darkside...

有Adele深情演绎的《All I Ask》与Gaga致敬David Bowie的经典珠玉在前,常规的表演很难出彩,可可独辟蹊径,将一首本应甜到冒气泡的情歌与激扬高燃的电音结合,高潮部分致敬玛丽亚凯莉的哨音——在电音的配合下几乎以假乱真。



Smash smash oh my boy boy-oy-oy,

smash on the Earth oh no it just on my bed

Ain't got a pn,

I know you join me hold me into fallen darkside...

“没有人可以击败我的男孩和女孩,无论他们说了什么狗屎或做了什么破事——”她的视线扫过克里斯和她的朋友们,定格在泰勒身上,You are The Chosen One for Cobsp; White.Al;



[——新版本的大姐姐和little boy?]




[——‘你是Cobsp; W

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